English Phrases
Today, let's unwind as we boost our vocabulary and learn English with idiomatic expressions and phrases that often leave non-native speakers confused. Here our top 10 favorite English idiomatic expressions, their meanings and examples of how to use these idiomatic expressions.
Phrase | Eat, sleep and breathe something |
Meaning | To be very passionate about something that you think about it all the time. |
Example | My daughter is into music. She eats, sleeps and breathes r'n'b. |
Phrase | Blood, sweat and tears |
Meaning | Something that requires a lot of effort and hard work |
Example | His career isn't based on luck; he worked his way to the top with his blood, sweat and tears. |
Phrase | Raring to go |
Meaning | To be extremely eager to do something |
Example | My son loves football. He's raring to watch the next game. |
Phrase | Hang on by fingernails |
Meaning | To continue to do something in a very difficult situation. |
Example | The situation remains critical after the earthquake as the survivors are handing on by their fingernails waiting to be rescued. |
Phrase | First out of the gate |
Meaning | To be the first one to make a start at something. |
Example | I was the first one to be out of the gate when I started driving to school. |
Phrase | Have one's heart set on |
Meaning | To possess a determination to obtain something. |
Example | I've had my heart set on getting into Harvard for years. |
Phrase | Punch above one's weight |
Meaning | Perform beyond your ability. |
Example | He was punching above his weight when he volunteered for this project since it was too complicated for him. |
Phrase | Sink your teeth into |
Meaning | To do something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. |
Example | As Jennifer started practicing yoga, she sank her teeth into her practice. |
Phrase | Cut to the quick |
Meaning | To hurt someone deeply, to offend them. |
Example | Charles was cut to the quick when he was accused of stealing from his family. |
Phrase | Bee in one's bonnet |
Meaning | To carry an idea which constantly occupies your thoughts. |
Example | She has a bee in her bonnet about finding a job in fashion industry. |