Russian Words for Toys
Toys can help you save imaginary worlds. Yakov will help you learn the toys in Russian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
ball | мяч | myach |
baseball | бейсбольный мяч | beysbol’nyi myach |
basketball | баскетбольный мяч | basketbol’nyi myach |
basketball hoop | баскетбольная корзина | basketbol’naya korzina |
crayons | цветные мелки | tzvetnie melki |
football | мяч для американского футбола | myach dlya amerikanskogo futbola |
hula hoop | Хула-хуп / обруч | khula-khup / obruch |
jump rope | прыгалки | prygalki |
phone | телефон | telefon |
remote control car | машинка с пультом управления | mashinka s pul’tom upravleniya |
rubber ball | резиновый мяч | rezinoviy mysch |
sled | санки | sanki |
soccer ball | футбольный мяч | futbol’nyi myach |
softball | софтбольный мяч | softbol’nyi myach |
blocks | кубики | kubiki |
doll | кукла | kukla |
skates | коньки | kon’ki |
toys | игрушки | igrushki |
truck | грузовик | gruzovik |
trampoline | батут | batut |
yo yo | йо-йо | yo-yo |
Learning Russian Toy Words
You are never too old for toys. However, if you are tired of your toys, return to the Russian words menu to learn other words. Your reason to learn Russian might be to play with your toys in Russian though. If not, maybe you will enjoy learning fun Russian phrases for entertainment. You may just want to learn about the Russian culture in the Russian language section. You decide!