Russian Survival Phrases
This list of Russian survival phrases will help you to survive speaking Russian. Learn them with free audio flash cards and the Lingo Dingo review game!
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English | Russian |
Where is the restroom? | Gde nakhoditsya tualet? |
I am lost. (- female) | Ya zabludilas’ |
I am lost. (- male) | Ya zabludilsya |
the hotel | gostinitza |
the restaurant | restoran |
the airport | aeroport |
the American embassy | posol’stvo Ameriki |
Excuse me. | Proshu proscheniya. |
Pardon me. | Izvinite menya. |
Please. | Pozhaluysta. |
Thank you. | Spasibo. |
I'm sorry. | Ya izvinyayus’. |
Bless you (sneeze). | Bud’te zdorovy! |
You are welcome (it was nothing). | Ne za chto. |
How much does it cost? | Skol’ko stoit eto? |
How many are there? | Skol’ko ikh tam? |
There are many. | Ikh tam mnogo. |
Will you buy this? | Vy budete eto pokupat’? |
How do you say it in Russian? | Kak skazat’ eto po-russki? |
Yes. | Da. |
No. | Net. |
I don’t understand. | Ya ne ponimayu. |
Slower please | Pozhaluysta, pomedlenneye. |
Who? | Kto? |
Why? | Pochemu? |
Learning Russian Survival Phrases
This list of survival Russian phrases should help you feel comfortable because at least you will survive. Your journey to learn Russian could bring you many fun experiences so you need to be alive! In addition to this list of Russian survival phrases, there are lists of Russian verbs for you to learn for free as well. There are also many different topics of Russian words available for you. Have fun as you learn the Russian language!