Maybe you could save the world one profession at a time. Helga the German will help you learn the professions in German with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
German mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | German |
the accountant | der Buchhalter |
the actor | der Schauspieler |
the artist | der Künstler |
the athlete | der Sportler |
the barber | der Herrenfriseur |
the boss | der Chef |
the business person | der Geschäftsmann |
the butcher | der Metzger |
the carpenter | der Schreiner |
the cashier | der Kassierer |
the chef | der Koch |
the coach | der Trainer |
the computer technician | der Computertechniker |
the construction worker | der Bauarbeiter |
the dentist | der Zahnarzt |
the doctor | der Arzt |
the engineer | der Ingenieur |
the farmer | der Landwirt |
English | German |
the firefighter | der Feuerwehrmann |
the hair dresser | der Friseur |
the judge | der Richter |
the lawyer/attorney | der Rechtsanwalt |
the librarian | der Bibliothekar |
the mail carrier | der Postbote |
the mason (brick layer) | der Maurer |
the mechanic | der Mechaniker |
the nurse | die Krankenschwester |
the police officer | der Polizist |
the president | der Präsident |
the professor | der Professor |
the programmer | der Programmier |
the reporter | der Reporter |
the secretary | die Sekretärin |
the veterinarian | der Tierarzt |
the waiter | die Bedienung |
the writer | der Schriftsteller |
Learning German Profession Words
Hopefully you have the opportunity to serve others or provide a service with your profession. If you are thanked for your service, then you should learn how to say you're welcome in German. Those who learn German could also learn a new profession or make their current job more exciting. If nothing else, go to the German phrases page and tell somebody you love them in German. Have fun learning the German language!