Present Progressive ER IR Spanish Verbs
Here we’ll take just a minute to review the “doing” or “progressive tense” Spanish conjugations.
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Remember, to conjugate “ar” verbs, you use a form of “estar”, then add the verb, and “ando” for “ar” verbs and “iendo” for “er/ir” verbs. Remember that “ando” and “iendo” are similar to the “ing” ending in English.
Yo estoy | Nosotros estamos | + (ar verb)ando +(er verb)iendo |
Tú estás | Vosotros estáis (Spain) | |
El, Ella, or Ud. está | Uds. Están |
Before we move on and practice with “er/ir” dioing verbs, we need to review an important item. As we discussed briefly in the last lesson, to put on the “ing” ending you can either use a “doing verb”, with the “ando” or “iendo” ending, or “present tense”. For example, if you asked someone, “What are you looking for?”, you could either say “¿Qué buscas?” or “¿Qué estás buscando?”. Another example is the phrase, “What are you doing?”, where you can either say “¿Qué haces?” or “¿Qué estás haciendo?” In these cases, the present tense (or “¿Qué haces?”) is usually preferred by native speakers, but the progressive or doing tense “¿Qué estás haciendo?” can also be used.
Now, if want you say “What are you doing tomorrow at 3:00?”, you should not use a “doing verb”, since you aren’t doing it “right now”. Instead, you should use present tense, “¿Qué haces mañana a las tres?”
Before we go have a practice session, we need to learn a few new vocabulary words:
Gifts | regalos |
a plan | un plan |
you are exercising | esta hacienda ejercicio |
The door | La puerta |
As you continue to the next Spanish lesson, we’ll practice with “er/ir” verbs. Remember, first you conjugate a form of “estar”, then change the verb ending to “iendo”.
Spanish Practice Session
Now we’ll practice a few er and ir doing verbs. Are you ready to try a few? Just remember that you can only use this tense if you are doing the action right when you are talking about it.
I am learning a lot | Estoy aprendiendo mucho |
(Rosa) You are running | Estás corriendo |
He is selling cars | Está vendiendo carros |
She is deciding | Está decidiendo |
I am living in Texas | Estoy viviendo en Texas |
Julio is exercising | Julio está haciendo ejercicio |
(Mr. Rodriguez) You are opening the door | Está abriendo la puerta |
We are writing letters | Estamos escribiendo cartas |
They are moving | Están moviendo |
Are all of you returning? (starts with ‘v’) | ¿Están volviendo? |
She is choosing the team | Está escogiendo el equipo |
He is returning the book | Está devolviendo el libro |
We are making cookies | Estamos haciendo galletas. |
They are receiving the gifts | Están recibiendo los regalos. |
María is making the plan | María está haciendo el plan. |
You have completed this section. Go ahead and continue on to the next lesson if you feel comfortable with it.