Present Perfect Reflexive Spanish Verb Conjugation
Now we’ll take a look at Spanish reflexive have verbs. Just like with direct objects, the reflexive pronouns always go in-front of have verbs.
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See if you can guess how to say the following Spanish verb phrases:
I have forgotten | Me he olvidado |
They have gotten angry | Se han enojado |
We have complained | Nos hemos quejado |
Before we continue, we need to cover a few little side notes. First, I wanted to remind you that to say “She has worried about me” would be “Se ha preocupado por mí”. Remember that in this case, we use “por” instead of “de” to mean “about”. The next reminder is also something you learned in the reflexive verb section. When you use the verb “despedirse” and add a person afterward, you need to add on the word “de” for example, to say “He has said goodbye to her” in Spanish you would say “Se ha despedido de ella”. Finally, our last reminder is when you put a word or phrase after “darse cuenta”, you also have to put “de” on afterward, for example to say “I haven’t realized that”, in Spanish you would say “no me he dado cuenta de eso”.
Here are a couple of vocabulary words we need to learn for this exercise.
The first is the word “ever” which is | “alguna vez” |
The other is the word “lately” which is | “últimamente” |
Spansih Practice Session
Let’s go ahead and practice some reflexive have verbs. Are you ready?
I have washed my hands | Me he lavado las manos |
(Marta) You have broken your arm | Te has rompido el brazo |
He has gotten sick | Se ha enfermado |
Has she ever burned her finger? | ¿Se ha quemado el dedo alguna vez? |
(Sra. Benites) You haven’t washed you hands | No se he lavado las manos |
We haven’t shaved lately | No nos hemos afeitado últimamente |
They have gotten very angry with us. | Se han enojado con nosotros |
All of you have complained | Se han quejado |
I haven’t realized that | No me he dado cuenta de eso. |
(Martín) Have you gotten married? | ¿Te has casado? |
He has gotten tired | Se ha cansado |
She has forgotten to eat | Se ha olvidado de comer. |
(Sr. Mendes) Have you ever stayed here. | Se ha quedado aquí alguna vez. |
We have had a lot of fun. | Nos hemos divertido mucho. |
They have worried about her | Se han precupado por ella |
All of you have sat down | Se han sentado |
I have fallen down | Me he caído |
(Martín) You haven’t showered this week!! | ¡No te has duchado esta semana! |
Has he ever brushed his hair? | ¿Se ha cepillado el pelo alguna vez? |
She has said goodbye to me | Se ha despedido de mí. |
This section contained a few new words and was a little more difficult than other sections. How did you do? If you’d like, feel free to repeat it over and over again until you feel comfortable with it.