O to UE Irregular Spanish Verb Conjugation
Spanish Verbs Present Tense
Now we’ll take a look at the next set of Spanish irregular verbs whose stems change from “o” to “ue”. Remember that the stems change for everyone except “nosotros” because “nosotros” likes to stay regular”. The same is true with “vosotros” that you can learn if you’re going to Spain.
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Let’s take a closer look at the verb “poder” which, as you learned in Level I, means “can” or “to be able to”. Remember that the stem changes from “poder” to “puedo”, or in other words, the “o” changes to “ue”.
I can would be – | [pued][o] |
we can would be – (Remember, the stem stays regular like the infinitive form. The “o” doesn’t change to “ue”) |
[pod][emos] | ||
(Paco) you can would be – Remember since you’re on a first-name basis with Paco, you add the friendly “s” |
[pued][es] |
you (plural/informal) or all of you can = (remember, this is only used in Spain) |
[pod][éis] | ||
He, she, or Mrs. Vasquez, you can would be – | [piens][a] | they or all of you can would be | [pued][en] |
The “o” to “ue” stem changing verbs are the following. Review them over and over again until they start to seem natural to you.
The verb | Changes to |
[encontr][ar] | encuentro |
[devolv][er] | devuelvo |
[dorm][ir] | duermo |
[mor][ir] | muero |
[record][ar] | recuerdo |
[mostr][ar] | muestro |
[llov][er] | llueve |
[pod][er] | puedo |
[mov][er] | muevo |
[cost][ar] | cuesto |
[volv][er] | vuelvo |
[jug][ar] | juego |
[cont][ar] | cuento |
[almorz][ar] | almu rzo |
“O” to “UE” Spanish Practice
Let’s begin the quiz:
I find | Encuentro |
She finds | Encuentra |
We find | Encontramos |
I return (the book) | Devuelvo |
He returns (the book) | Devuelve |
We return (the book) | Devolvemos |
(Juan) You sleep | Duermes |
They sleep | Duermen |
We sleep | Dormimos |
(Juana) You die | Mueres |
(All of you) die | Mueren |
We die | Morimos |
(Mrs. Méndez) You remember | Recuerda |
They remember | Recuerdan |
We remember | Recordamos |
(Mr. Garcia) you show | Muestra |
(Juanita) You show | Muestras |
We show | Mostramos |
It rains | Llueve |
They can | Pueden |
(José) You can | Puedes |
We can | Podemos |
They move | Mueven |
(All of you) move | Mueven |
We moves | Movemos |
It costs | Cuesta |
I return (starts with ‘v’) | Vuelvo |
He returns (starts with ‘v’) | Vuelve |
We return (starts with ‘v’) | Volvemos |
She plays | Juega |
They play | Juegan |
We play | Jugamos |
I count | Cuento |
He counts | Cuenta |
We count | Contamos |
They eat lunch | Almuerzan |
(María) You eat lunch | Almuerzas |
We can eat lunch | Almorzamos |
How’d you do? If you’d like, here you can either review the lesson you just learned, or, if you feel comfortable with it, you can go on to the next lesson.