Past Subjunctive ER IR Spanish Verb Conjugation
Learning to conjugate Spanish verbs can be difficult. But if you learn these past subjunctive ER IR verbs and you'll be on your way to being fluent in a foreign language!
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To form the past subjunctive for ER/IR verbs, you take the root of the verb and add the following endings:
-iera | -iéramos |
-ieras | -ierais |
-iera | -ieran |
Let’s see if you can guess how these would work.
I wanted them to eat | Yo quería que ellos comieran |
Maybe they wrote it | Tal vez lo escribieran |
If she saw it | Si lo viera |
She wanted me to attend | Ella quería que yo asistiera |
They insisted that you (tú) sell it | Ellos insistioron en que tú lo vendieras |
Before he ran | Antes que corriera (él) |
I didn’t believe that he opened it | Yo no creía que (él) lo abriera |
One key to learn a foreign language is practice. Go ahead and repeat the endings one more time:
-iera | -iéramos |
-ieras | -ierais |
-iera | -ieran |
Now, just like with “ar”, “er” and “ir” past subjunctive also have an alternate set of endings and here they are:
-iese | -iésemos |
-ieses | -ieseis |
-iese | -iesen |
As I mentioned before, these endings are completely optional, however, if you’re a real overachiever, you may want to try to learn these endings.
Here’s an example of a verbs conjugated with the alternate endings:
comiese | comiésemos |
comieses | comieseis |
comiese | comiesen |
Feel free to repeat this lesson as many times as you’d like, then move on to the other lessons to practice more.
Spanish Review
we doubted that he believed | dudamos que creiera |
they wanted her to eat | querían que comiera |
he liked me to read | le gustaba que leiera |
it was important for us to surprise | fue importante que sorprendieramos |
you (Sra. Parra) needed them to write | necesitaba que escribieran |
you all preferred them to run | prefirieron que corrieran |
they told him to drink | le dijeron que bebiera |
it was hard for her to learn | era dificil que aprendiera |
I was hoping you (Silvia) would promise | esperaba que prometieras |
She wished us to understand | deseaba que comprendieramos |
He didn't believe they would see | no creía que vieran |
it wasn't necessary for you (Roberto) to sell | no fue necesario que vendieras |
You (Sr. Peña) didn't ask her to go up | no le pidió que subiera |
You all insisted that we live | insistieron que vivieramos |
I didn't think that you all permitted | no pensaba que permitieran | that we received | ...para que recibieramos |
before they ate | antes de que comieran |
unless you all decided | a menos que decidieran |
hopefully you (Sra. Parra) learned | ojalá que aprendiera |