Italian Family
Since your family will be honored when you save the world, it's important that you introduce them properly in Italian. Stella the Italian will help you learn the family words in Italian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Italian mini-course
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English | Italian |
the aunt | la zia |
the boyfriend | il ragazzo |
the brother | il fratello |
the brother-in-law | il cognato |
the cousins | i cugini / le cugine |
the dad | il papà |
the daughter | la figlia |
the daughter-in-law | la nuora |
the family | la famiglia |
the father | il padre |
the father-in-law | il suocero |
the fiancé | il fidanzato / la fidanzata |
the friend | l'amico / l'amica |
the girlfriend | la ragazza |
the grandma | la nonna |
English | Italian |
the grandpa | il nonno |
the grandparents | i nonni |
the husband | il marito |
the mom | la mamma |
the mother | la madre |
the mother-in-law | la suocera |
the nephew | il nipote |
the niece | la nipote |
the relationships | le relazioni |
the sister | la sorella |
the sister-in-law | la cognata |
the son | il figlio |
the son-in-law | il genero |
the uncle | lo zio |
the wife | la moglie |
Learning Italian Family Words
Thanks for introducing your family! A piece of advice for you to maintain a good relationship with your family is to learn how to say thank you in Italian. Those words will help you more than probably any other words. Learn more Italian words to continue honoring them. Your efforts to learn Italian will help you meet more people to honor. Learn Italian phrases to better communicate with family and friends. The Italian customs page will help you learn about Italian culture and other interesting things about Italy.