Russian Body Parts I
You may not save the world, but you could save a friend because you know the body parts in Russian. Yakov will help you learn the body parts in Russian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
ankle | лодыжка | lodyzhka |
arm | рука | ruka |
back | спина | spina |
belly | живот | zhivot |
brain | мозг | mozg |
calf | икра | ikra |
chest | грудь | grud’ |
chin | подбородок | podborodok |
ear | ухо | ukho |
elbow | локоть | lokot’ |
eye | глаз | glaz |
eyebrow | бровь | brov’ |
eyelash | ресница | resnitza |
eyelid | веко | veko |
finger | палец | paletz |
fingernail | ноготь | nogot’ |
foot | нога | noga |
forehead | лоб | lob |
mind | ум | um |
stomach | желудок | zheludok |
Learning Russian Body Part I Words
Now you're a little bit closer to becoming an Russian doctor! Go back to the Russian words menu to learn other body parts and more words. There are also many Russian phrases you can quickly learn. Your efforts to learn Russian will be worth your time. There is also culture and Russian language information available for free.