Hotel II Spanish Phrases
Learn new Spanish phrases, review them with audio flash cards, then view them in a real-life conversation.
Spanish | English | |
Word(s) | un acto muy heroico | a very heroic act |
Phrase(s) | Sí, pero un acto muy heroico | Yes, but one very heroic act |
Word(s) | siempre nos enseñan | they always teach us |
Phrase(s) | Que siempre nos enseñan | that they always teach us |
Word(s) | en la escuela | at school |
Phrase(s) | en la…en la escuela | in…in school |
Word(s) | sabemos | we know |
Phrase(s) | y que nosotras sabemos | and that we know |
Word(s) | un muchacho | a boy |
Phrase(s) | un muchacho. | a young man. |
Se puede decir un muchacho | You could say a young man | |
Word(s) | ese pedazo de tierra | that piece of earth |
Phrase(s) | ese pedazo de tierra | that piece of land |
Word(s) | estaban robando | they were stealing |
Phrase(s) | Que nos estaban robando, | that they were taking (stealing) |
Word(s) | su vida | his life |
Phrase(s) | con su vida. | with his life. |
Word(s) | antes de morir | before dying |
Phrase(s) | antes de morir? | before he died? |
Word(s) | rendir | to surrender, give up |
Phrase(s) | “¿Rendirme yo? | “Surrender (myself)?” |
Word(s) | cobardes | cowards |
Phrase(s) | ¡Cobardes! | Cowards! |
Word(s) | una furia | a fury |
Phrase(s) | y una furia de…de hombres malos | and a fury of…of bad men |
Word(s) | lo atacaron | they attacked him |
Phrase(s) | lo atacaron | attacked him |
Word(s) | lo mataron | they killed him |
Phrase(s) | y lo mataron | and killed him |
Word(s) | él murió | he died |
Phrase(s) | y él…él murió, | and he…he died, |
Word(s) | heroicamente | heroically |
Phrase(s) | pero heroica-heroicamente. | but heroic—heroically. |
Word(s) | de todas maneras | anyways |
Phrase(s) | De todas maneras | Anyway |
Word(s) | salida al mar | outlet to the sea |
Phrase(s) | salida al mar. | an exit to the sea. |
Word(s) | robar | to steal |
Phrase(s) | Nos robaron | They stole |
Word(s) | un pedazo de tierra | a piece of earth |
Phrase(s) | un pedazo de tierra. | our piece of land. |
Word(s) | a la vez | at the same time |
Phrase(s) | y a la vez | and at the same time |
Word(s) | muy chistosa | very funny |
Phrase(s) | muy chistosa. | very funny. |
Word(s) | en esa época | at that time, in that era |
Phrase(s) | El presidente en esa época | In that era the president |
Word(s) | déspota | despot, tyrant |
Phrase(s) | que era muy déspota. | who was very tyranical. |
Word(s) | era bastante orgulloso | he was quite proud |
Phrase(s) | Era bastante orgulloso | He was very prideful |
Word(s) | los brasileros | the Brazilians |
Phrase(s) | Entonces los brasileros conocían eso. | So the Brazilians knew that. |
Word(s) | amante | lover |
Phrase(s) | que él era…era amante | that he was…was in love (a lover) |
Word(s) | un caballo blanco | a white horse |
Phrase(s) | un caballo blanco. | a white horse. |
trajo un caballo blanco | brought a white horse | |
Word(s) | el tamaño de su pata | the size of his hoof |
Phrase(s) | el tamaño de su pata— | the size of his hoof— |
Word(s) | el tamaño | the size |
Phrase(s) | el tamaño de su pata— | the size of his hoof— |
Entonces el tamaño | So the size | |
Word(s) | la pisada | the footprint |
Phrase(s) | que era la…la pisada del caballo… | that was the…the footstep of the horse… |
Word(s) | regalo | gift |
Phrase(s) | “Como presente—como regalo hacia ustedes, | “As a gift—as a gift for (towards) you (all), |
Word(s) | castaña | chestnut |
Phrase(s) | en castaña | in chestnuts |
Word(s) | recursos naturales | natural resources |
Phrase(s) | y en otros recursos naturales. | and other natural resources. |
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